Confetti days and the meaning of my life

How beautiful are these Images by Sebastiaan Bremer. I have added him to my side bar if you want to check out his work.

The meaning of my life - N.Towell

At the end of the day it's not that complicated, despite being a Very complicated girl. We are here for a short time, appreciate every moment. We have a sacred responsibility to appreciate this life and make the very most of it. There is an integrity to pursuing your dreams that animate all other aspects of life.

Aim to leave the world a little better than you found it, whether it be through something small as standing up for kindness or as big as building a movement to bring about broad change- both take courage. Enjoy sunsets, savour them and remeber how they make you feel. In fact just look up more. Words and intentions are important be careful with them, but ultimately actions matter more. Celebrate birthdays elaborately, they matter, this is marking the day your life started. Always have cake. Make others birthdays always feel like its their 21st.

Get to know as many people as possible, and listen to them. Don't be afraid to get to know yourself and deal with it. Only you can live your own life and you will never be content with making decisions that will please others but sadden yourself. Remember how it started and be excited about where it's going. Remember your first kiss, first bike, first job, first love, first cd. Try not to loose your appreciation for simple things. Love. Don't analyse relationships too much, rather enjoy them for what they are.

Life is here to be figured out and never finding the right answer. Never stop wanting to gain wisdom. READ. Life is here to teach us to find, learn, love and enjoy each other.

Realise when people make mistakes that it is part of their journey, don't hold it against them.
recognise your insignificance and disregard it at the same time.

okay don't feel like writing more...

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